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50% - 70% LESS COST
than a traditional employee. We have highly skilled
and talented people ready to start!
Maximize your ROI and Minimize Expense
Cost Effective Assistance
Hiring a virtual assistant from Cyberbacker can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time, in-house marketing employee.
Scalability and Flexibility
Cyberbacker allows you to scale your marketing efforts up or down as needed. .
Diverse Skill Set
Cyberbacker offers virtual assistants with various skills and expertise, including graphic design, content writing, social media management, and data entry.
Here are just some of the tasks, job duties, and LEVERAGE our Virtual Support can provide:
CRM Management
Phone/Chat/Email Support/Appointment Setting
Lead Management
Social Media Management
Marketing Support
BIG Cost Savings
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Here's what we offer:
I have hired 60 agents with 88 R2 guests at Family Reunion in just 90 days of working with my Cyber Recruiter
Mat Lewczenko
Team Leader
My Cyber recruiter set total of 13 Zoom recruiting appointments in his first 2 days!
Jessica Fox
MAPS Coach and TL
Our Cyber Recruiter set up 3 Indie Appointments for me this week, after only making 17 contacts.
Nikki Ubaldini
Regional Operating Principal
I have hired my first capper in the first 2 1/2 weeks having my Cyber Recruiter! Additionally, he has set 44 appointments in his first 20 days!
Kevin Jones
MAPS Coach and TL
My Cyber Recruiter set 79 appointments with 59 shows in the month of August! This has been a great game changer!
David Jones
MAPS coach and OP
1st year using Cyberbacker, 136 Hires, #1 in Profit for region and Gross 27 YTD!
Teresa Carter
Team Leader
The Cyberbacker allowed me to reclaim the amount of time I need to be able to spend more time with my family. Helped me with stuff like scheduling, lead generation, phone handling.
Samuel Rymer
Mega Agent
Mega Agent Bonni Lucket closed 229 transactions for over $1.5 million in GCI leveraging Cyberbacker!
MEGA Agent Sam Rymer, closes 845 transactions working 20 hours a week through leveraging Cyberbacker!
#1 Top Agent Stephanie Vitacco and her team share their huge success leveraging Cyberbacer! With 225 Units sold and $235 Million in Closed Volume in 2021!"
Top Team Leader Teresa Carter shares her huge success leverage Cyberbacker. 1st year using Cyberbacker, 136 Hires, #1 in Profit for region and Gross 27 YTD!
Let's Take Your Business to the Next Level.
My Cyber Recruiter set 22 Indie Appointments in her first week! This is a game changer!
Tim Minnix
Operating Principal
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